Diseases and Conditions


Coping and support

It can be frustrating to know there's no cure for lymphedema. However, you can control some aspects of lymphedema. To help you cope, try to:

  • Find out all you can about lymphedema. Knowing what lymphedema is and what causes it can help communication with the doctor or physical therapist.
  • Take care of the affected limb. Clean your skin daily, looking over every inch of the affected limb for signs of trouble, such as cracks and cuts. Apply lotion to prevent dry skin.
  • Take care of your whole body. Eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Exercise daily, if you can. Reduce stress. Try to get enough sleep. Taking care of your body gives you more energy and encourages healing.
  • Get support from others with lymphedema. Whether you attend support group meetings in your community or participate in online message boards, it helps to talk to people facing similar difficulties.